Sanitary Sewer Overflow reported May 30, 2017
Water Pollution Control received a call May 30, 2017 at 8:30 am from a concerned citizen stating that a manhole behind their house was overflowing into the creek.
ACTION TAKEN: Upon arrival the citizen showed WPC the manhole that was 75 yards into the woods behind his house. WPC located the downstream manhole and within 30 minutes had the blockage removed and the manhole was no longer overflowing. WPC then cleaned up around the manhole and placed contaminated creek sign along the creek that run east of 2nd Ave to 4thstreet between Maple street and Elizabeth street.
FURTHER ACTION TAKEN: WPC has taken water samples and will leave the contaminated creek signs out until the water samples are within KDHE requirements.
RISK TO PUBLIC: Public works would ask that residents keep their children and pets away from this creek until the sign are removed. UPDATE: The area is no longer restricted after improvement to the water quality. Signs have been removed.
WHAT RESIDENTS CAN DO TO HELP: Public Works would also remind residents to contact WPC any time day or night and weekends if they notice water running down the street or alley and if they smell sewer gas. Please call 913-682-1090