Human Resources


Employee 2024 1095-C Forms Are Now Available Upon Request

ACA Reporting Forms 1095-C (Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage) will no longer be mailed out beginning with the 2024 reporting year.  These forms will be available upon request only and will be provided within 30 days of such request being made.

Requests must include which form year you are asking for and the address (either e-mail/electronic or physical home address) to send the form.

Requests can be made in any of the following manners:

E-mail to:

Mail to:  City of Leavenworth, Attn: HR Dept.   100 N. 5th Street   Leavenworth, KS  66048

Please contact the HR Department by phone at 913-680-2608 or 913-680-2637 with any questions.


The Human Resources department provides personnel services to the City's departments and its employees. It is committed to providing prompt and efficient personnel service to all employees and citizens. The department performs a variety of complex administrative, technical and professional work in directing and supervising the personnel systems of the City, including classification, compensation, employee orientation, human relations, labor relations, recruitment, selection, retirement, risk management, training, and worker's compensation. It also oversees the City's healthcare and Employee Assistance programs.

See our list of current job opportunities.  All applications must be turned in by the deadline date at the Leavenworth Partnership Center, 515 Limit St., Suite 200, Leavenworth, KS  66048, or (913) 651-1800.

The City Human Resources Director also serves as the Secretary to the City Human Relations Commission (HRC). The HRC enforces the provisions of the City of Leavenworth's Human Relations Ordinance. The ordinance prohibits discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Citizens may direct their concerns in this area to the Human Resources Director, Lona Lanter.