Community Development Block Grant and Emergency Solutions Grant


Community Development Block Grant

The City of Leavenworth is an entitlement city that receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDBG funds must meet a national objective and stay within the corporate bounds of the City. Community Development staff operates and administers the City's CDBG funds with the following: 

  1. Home Repair Program and Home Accessibility Program
  2. Home Ownership Program
  3. Public Service Agencies
  4. Removal of Dangerous Structures
  5. Infrastructure

Emergency Solutions Grant

Community Development staff applies for and administers Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds from Kansas Housing Resource Corporation (KHRC) to fund homelessness prevention, rapid rehousing, emergency shelter, and street outreach services to qualified local agencies.  ESG funded agencies can vary each year dependent upon need in the community, agency qualifications, and approval from KHRC.


ESG and CDBG programs and policies are subject to change in accordance to federal regulations and department updates. Project budgets are occasionally depleted.  The City’s Citizen Participation Plan, Consolidated Plan, Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report, and Annual Action Plan are available at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the department at (913) 680-2628.

Please click on the blue bars below to review programs for which qualified Leavenworth City citizens may apply.