Building permits are issued by the Building Inspections Division. Please click here to email Building Inspections or call (913) 684-0378..
City Planning is a function of the City's Planning and Community Development Department. City Planning sets the framework for the growth and development of the City through policy administration and development review.
Planning staff administers the Development Regulations, which guide all growth and development in the city. These Development Regulations also reinforce the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Additionally, the department provides staff assistance to the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing, making recommendations related to, and approving various planning and zoning items. It has final approval on some development applications, while also making recommendations to the City Commission on other development applications. In some instances, a property owner may request a variance from the requirements of the Development Regulations. The Board of Zoning Appeals will hear and act upon such requests.
Downtown North Leavenworth Redevelopment Area
The Downtown/North Leavenworth Redevelopment Master Plan is intended to provide a general vision and guidance for the physical design and development associated with future investments by both the private and public sector. The master plan establishes the basic framework for improvements to enhance the appearance of the area, the pursuit of quality redevelopment projects, and strengthen access to, through and within Leavenworth's core area. These improvements are designed to foster a strong sense of pride within the community, and to provide the foundation for future cooperative efforts towards community building among the leadership of Leavenworth, the citizens, and potential investors.
City Planning also oversees:
Comprehensive Plan
Zoning Administration
Subdivision of Properties
Demolition Permits
Please do not hesitate to contact us, we want to answer your questions.
Building permits are issued by the Building Inspections Division. Please click the link below.
Click Here for Building Inspections/Permits
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