Keep your driveway clear of snow - how to prevent being "plowed in"
City staff recommends to homeowners while shoveling snow on your driveway to clear an area to the right of your driveway. This gives the snow from snowplows a place to empty before it gets to your driveway. That way you don't have to do the "second shovel." (Just not on the sidewalk, City ordinance requires sidewalks be kept clear.)
Diagram shows a drawing of a driveway surrounded by lawn with a sidewalk adjacent to a two-lane road. A red snowplow is plowing snow along the road. Text boxes indicate driveway, sidewalk, mailbox, boulevard/street and snowplow. Boxes reads "pile snow here" in the lawn next to driveway. Text boxes also read: Around Mailbox: clear this area, it allows the snow plow to unload before crossing the driveway. Clear the area around your mailbox, it can help prevent damage to your mailbox from snow plows.
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