Youth Summer Baseball and Softball

The Leavenworth Parks and Recreation Department sponsors summer baseball/softball leagues for boys and girls ages 5 through 13 (birth date as of May 1 - no exceptions). Children MUST play in the appropriate age group.
- All age groups: $50/player
- Late fee: $25/player*
- 50% discount on regular registration fee for 3 or more children in the same household registering for the same sport. Discount is not applied to the late fee.
*Eligible for scholarship use. Late registration fee is not covered by the scholarship program. Scholarship registrations are reviewed in person by appointment only. You must call Tabor Medill at 913-758-6648 to schedule an appointment.
- March 1 - 31. Online registration available (convenience fees apply).
- Late registration April 1 - 15. Online registration available (convenience fees apply). Late fee is applied to anyone registering after March 31. No registrations will be accepted after April 15.
Practice: Starts in early May. Coaches will contact the families by May 1 with specific team information.
Season: First week in June through second week in July
Teams break out as follows:
- Ages 5 - 7 - George Brett/Dot Richardson
- Ages 8 - 10 - Willie Mays/Joan Joyce
- Ages 11 - 13 - Pee Wee Reese/Donna Lopiano
Rain-Out Line: In case of inclement weather, City league teams may call 913-364-5821 for information on game cancelations. Notice of games officially canceled will be recorded by 4 p.m., weekdays. On weekends, cancelations will be updated by 8 a.m. for morning games, noon for afternoon games, and 4 p.m. for evening games.