Waggin' Tails Dog Park
Adopted by Friends of the Waggin' Tails Dog Park

Physical Address: 2901 VA Park Drive
**NE Corner of VA Park, off Limit and Home Place**
Park hours: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., daily.
An off-leash park for dog lovers, big and small. Six acres divided into sections for large and small dogs. Please note there is no smoking or vaping permitted on the grounds of the dog park.
- Benches
- Watering Stations (for the humans, as well)
- Double-Gated Entry/Exit
- Canine Play Equipment
- Bio-degradable Waste Bags
- Two Waste Deposit Stations
- Portable Restroom Facility (at VA Park)
City ordinances are to be followed. For more information, refer to Section 8 of the City of Leavenworth Code of Ordinances.