Easter Festivities and Egg Hunt

Calendar Date:
Saturday, April 12, 2025 - 1:00pm

2023 Egg Hunt

Join the Leavenworth Parks & Recreation Department for our annual Easter Egg Hunt for children 12 and under.  Come early with your Easter basket and get ready for the hunt.  If you find a golden egg, turn it in to the Parks & Recreation table for a special Easter Basket prize!

This event is specially geared for children ages 12 and under. It is held each year on the Saturday the weekend before Easter weekend.  Click here to let us know you are coming!

Location:  10th Avenue Park


  • Activities - 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 
  • Egg Hunt - 2:30 p.m., sharp

Cost:  Free


If you attend this activity/class, it means you agree to the following:  "I assume all risks incidental to the conduct of the activities or class and release, absolve, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Leavenworth Parks & Recreation Department, the sponsors and supervisors.  Further, in case of injury, I hereby waive all claims against the City of Leavenworth, its sponsors, or any supervisors appointed to them.
Photographs and videos taken by the City during the activity will be used for marketing purposes by the Parks & Recreation Department and will become the property of the City of Leavenworth."

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Bunny with Kids
Hunt 2
Hunt 3
Fire Truck
Hunt 2017
Face Paint
Big Truck