Labor Day 2022 - City offices closed, trash delayed

Calendar Date:
Monday, September 5, 2022 (All day)

photo of city hall building

City offices will be closed Monday, Sept. 5 for the Labor Day holiday. The Riverfront Community Center will also be closed. Trash services will be delayed one day throughout the week. The last full day of operations for Wollman Aquatic Center will be Monday, Sept. 5.

Trash for:

  • Monday, Sept. 5 - will be collected Tuesday, Sept. 6
  • Tuesday, Sept. 6 - will be collected Wednesday, Sept. 7
  • Wednesday, Sept. 7 - will be collected Thursday, Sept. 8
  • Thursday, Sept. 8 - will be collected Friday, Sept. 9
  • Friday, Sept. 9 - will be collected Saturday, Sept 10


Dog swimming in the pool

Each year when Wollman Aquatic Center closes for the season, we have one special day for our special friends. 

Cost is $5 per dog. One dog per human, so if a family has three dogs, three family members need to reserve a spot. There is a limit of 60 dogs per session.

You may register and pay online (convenience fees apply), or come to the Riverfront Community Center's front desk during normal hours to pre-register and pay in person. Pre-registration provides you with a Flash Pass for entry through our express gate.  

Curbside Trash Collection map

Trash will be collected on the following schedule the weeks of Christmas and New Year:


Monday, Dec. 23 - regular schedule
Tuesday, Dec. 24 - regular schedule
Wednesday, Dec. 25 - No trash collected. Trash will be picked up Thursday, Dec. 26
Thursday, Dec. 26 - trash will be collected Friday, Dec. 27
Friday, Dec. 27 - trash will be collected Saturday, Dec. 28