Home Page Spotlight

photo of pool with zero depth entry surrounded by green grass and sidewalks
Wollman Aquatic Center is part of beautiful Wollman Park located at 13th and Shawnee. We are open daily from Memorial Day through mid-August. We are open for weekends only from August 17 through Labor Day.  Hours, fees, amenities, and programs are shown below.


**BAG POLICY** - Only clear bags will be permitted at Wollman Aquatic Center.


Because of extensive repair needs to the stormwater system, in 2018, the City Commission adopted Charter ordinance No. 58 establishing the Stormwater Utility Fee as a dedicated revenue source to address the maintenance, repair and replacement of critical stormwater infrastructure in the City. The stormwater fee has provided the City with a resource to complete many projects explained in detail below. City staff have identified more than 100 future projects. Stormwater infrastructure collapse can affect any area of the city -- on public or private property.