2024 Notice of Hearing to Exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate and Budget Hearing
The City of Leavenworth has scheduled a revenue neutral rate hearing and a budget hearing at 6 p.m. Aug. 22 2023 at Leavenworth City Hall, 100 N. Fifth Street. The public is welcome to attend and provide feedback on the 2024 annual budget, which can be found on the City’s website.
The City budgets on a calendar year basis, therefore the budget covers the calendar year from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. The five-year, 2024- 2028 Capital Improvements Program is published with the 2024 budget. The 2024 budget is balanced, as required by law, and builds on the City’s goal to provide high-quality services while maintaining a sound financial standing. The budget contains revenue and expenses for all City funds and includes a pass-through levy as mandated by the Library Ordinance. The City-supported portion of the mill levy is proposed to decrease 2.689 mills from 25.654 to 22.965, and the library has proposed a decrease of .049 mills. Stakeholders can read a summary and explanation of changes in the 2024 budget on the City of Leavenworth website.
Members of the public are welcome to provide feedback during the budget hearings. Please sign in at the table in the City Commission chambers when you enter City Hall, 100 N. Fifth Street, on Aug. 22. Accessible parking is on the north side of the building.