Explore Leavenworth Passport

Explore Leavenworth Passport

EXPLORE Leavenworth Passport

Leavenworth is pleased to present the Explore Leavenworth Passport.  Fun for the whole family.  A digital pass that unlocks points that you can earn to exchange for unique Visit Leavenworth swag. 

Here are a few reason why you should sign up:

  • Its completely free!  Although we do encourage you to visit inside the museums which have an admissions fee, you will still have access to the check in process and exclusive prizes without spending any money.   
  • By exploring different attractions, murals and museums, you can discover new things about Leavenworth and create lasting memories with your family.
  • The more you explore, the more points you earn to win prizes.  
  • Each check-in will gain you an entry to our grand prize drawing! This drawing includes a one night hotel stay and $150 gift card, package is worth approximately $300.00. Winner will be announced January 15th, 2026 by email! Good luck